A preview of the next few months

Earlier this year (April 6), I completed four years of active duty service with the United States Marine Corps.  With that done, I was free to return to somewhat normal pace of activities.  Recently I spent a month abroad in India and Nepal.  During my time there, I met like minded people from many backgrounds and nations.  We all exchanged ideas and got to know the peculiarities of being practicing Hindus in different parts of the world.

I’ll be elaborating on quite a few of these things in the months to come, but here is a quick sneak peek..

What is Dharma? Who practices it, what are it’s goals, and what is it’s history?  How did the name “Hindu” become so thoroughly attached to it? [Link to post]

The Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh vision of Hindu unity and the importance of this desired unity. [Link to post]

Some current issues facing Hindu society: grooming gangs, language: the effects of losing it and division based on it, anti-immigrant mindset in countries in which Hindus settle, and conversion (especially of troubled groups).

A comparison of Hindu and Western ideologies.

The Ram Janmabhoomi movement and it’s importance for Hindu society.

How do dharmic traditions define humanity and our reason for existence, and how this framing is integral to how it prescribes the functioning of human society.

Defining and maintaining Identity while being an integrated part of any society (a cultural “salad”), and how this is different than assimilation (a cultural “soup”).

Some qualities that are invaluable in daily life.

Some things that others have done in their communities which I feel would be helpful if implemented in the USA: Hindu Awareness event/s, an increase in dialog amongst all the dharmic faith groups, National Diya, hospital visits, and introducing a Sanskrit language curriculum in schools.

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